
Sunday 15 November 2009

Big storm brings Little Gulls

The strongest storm of the winter so far delivered the expected increase in gulls, especially in Mount's Bay.  These first year Little Gulls were among hundreds of Black-headeds feeding in the heavy surf approx 30 yards off shore.  My gear is covered in salt spray but I think the images below were worth the trouble.  One can only marvel at these tiny little waifs which spend their winter in the Irish Sea

EXIF Detail: Aperture F/7.1  Shutter speed 1/640s (average). Exposure +0.3EV.  ISO 500. Matrix metering. Focal length 850mm.  Tripod mounted.


  1. Hi Steve,

    That last image really gives a sense of scale. Excellent.

  2. These are great comparison shots with the little gull against the black headed.
