
Sunday 10 January 2010

A severe case of thrush

Thrushes are everywhere, almost tripping over them on road verges, garden leaf litter and on any remaining berries they might be lucky to find.  Redwing is by far the commonest thrush and the tamest.  Mistle Thrush are around but still nervous and flighty and for some odd reason, I could not get close to any Fieldfare today.  The severity of the weather I fear will probably take its' toll on some of the Redwing.  Below are some images of the day including my daily footpath to work (Victoria Gardens, Truro).

The Robin and juv male Blackbird below were taken in my garden from the window this afternoon.  I was quite pleased with the Blackbird shot as the exposure can be really tricky when shooting blacks and whites.  I over exposed slightly to compensate the camera's natural tendency to darken down the bright white snow.


  1. Nice shots Steve! There are pleanty of Thrushes in Falmouth too but you can't get anywhere near them.


  2. Nice scenic shots Steve, hundreds of Redwing at Marazion. (is the arm fixed now your taking pictures?)

  3. Thrushes are definately flavour of the month. We have found some Redwing so weak that my son was able to photograph it with his mobile phone,

  4. Hi Bobbster mate - the arm is nowhere near fixed; still waiting for the opertion date. The photos above were taken from the house window. My sherpa (Mrs) helped set up the camera on to the tripod!
