
Tuesday 29 June 2010

Blues in macro

These Silver-studded Blue images were taken tonight around Perranporth Dune system.  Further to my previous post, the count of scores should now read hundreds.  2010 seems to have been a superb year for this species - they are everywhere. 

Tonight was warm but quite overcast and dull - not the perfect evening for photography.  But these these tiny half inch size butterflies were desperate for the last hint of heat and posed quite nicely on the tops of flag iris.

Tonight I used a true macro lens, the Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 on a tripod.  You can get to within six inches of the subject as the results here show.  There is approx 20% crop on each shot.

EXIF detail: Aperture priority, mostly f/8 to f/10. ISO 200 to 320. Exposure -0.7 to +0.3 depending on angle and available light. WB Cloudy.  I try to position the camera dead square so that no part of the insect creeps into the out-of-focus zone (which is critical when so close).

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