
Sunday 3 April 2011

Red-throated Diver moves to St Andrew's Pool, Par

When news broke that the Red-throated Diver had moved to St Andrew's Pool, I decided to pay another visit.  The light, water colour and background is very different here to the blue/grey colour of Par beach pool, so the images would be very different to those taken a few days ago.  And they are! 

The images shown here all have different shades. The red flash is the reflection of a red car, and the white flash is the silver car parked next to it. The green image is the reflection of grass and the blackish colour is simply a reduction of exposure to minus 1 EV.

The technique used to enhance the reflection is to lower the tripod and camera so that it is as low as possible to the water, improving the chance of picking up distant refection ( and also increasing shutter speed).

Note: all of the images are un-enhanced in colour and are the natural colour as unloaded from the camera.  They have been cropped by 16%. Aperture is F/7 to F/9.  Exposure -0.3 to -1.0 EV. ISO 250. Focal length 600mm.


  1. Stunning quality like your last images of the same bird shame i'm not down for another 2 weeks.

  2. Great shots Steve and as you said they benifit from a little more colour in the background.
    Good to see you Yesterday.

  3. Great shots Steve. St Andrews Pool does throw up some strange colours at times. My diver shots have the murky brown water.
