
Sunday 27 October 2013

Great Northern Diver at Long Rock Pool, Cornwall

This adult Great Northern Diver is a real poser and showed exceptionally well today at Long Rock Pool.  It seems to like following a circuit round the edge of the pool.  Every ten minutes or so it swam to the extreme south west corner to within 15 yards of me.  Unbelievably, it then called twice.  I have only heard the call on tape so was surprised and pleased to witness this today.  
The bird is just starting to moult out of summer plumage and this seems quite late.  I have only seen first winter birds previously in the Autumn.  I normally only see adults in full summer plumage in Cornwall in late Spring.  So, with the calls and this plumage at this time of year, does seem unusual. 
According to BWP though, post breeding adults start the moult from late July to early October; the moult is complete from October to January.
The species mainly breeds in Iceland and Greenland.  Approx 150 birds regularly winter around the Cornish coast with the highest concentration being from Gribbin Head to the Helford.


  1. Lovely shots Steve as you say a real poser, and it was I who flashed you on the Loggans Moor roundabout yesterday morning.

  2. Thanks \Monts. I did see you in the last second!

  3. Super shots wish I was down at Marazion now to get some images of this charmer.

  4. Good shots Steve, I had it real close also but looks like you had better light, didn't see it this pm when I past about 2pm
