
Tuesday 21 February 2017

Costa Rica sightings

We visited the Monteverde rain forest with the intention of seeing some hummingbirds and tropical specialities. We saw plenty of the former though sadly missed the quetzal.  New birds continue on a daily basis plus many familiar North American species wintering here turn up regularly.  There are plenty of Yellow Warblers wintering here and we had some stunning views of a group of four Prothonotary Warblers.  The Black and White Warbler seems to turn up everywhere.  The bright green parrots take some sorting but I reckon we have seen about five species. We saw the endemic Sooty Thrush in the rain forest but the hummers stand out as something special.  Of the hummingbirds, we have seen Violet Sabrewing, White-necked Jacobin, Plain-capped Starthroat, Cinnamon, Ruby-throated, Green Violetear, Violet-headed, Steely-vented and a couple more still to id correctly.

Violet Sabrewing at Monteverde Rain Forest

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