Tuesday 11 January 2011

Purple Sandpipers pose in Mounts Bay, Cornwall

There are up to fifty Purple Sandpipers in varying sites around Mounts Bay.  I took these shots last week at Newlyn, just below the Tolcarne Inn.  They can be really tricky to photo as they are such busy little waders but these posed just nicely for the lens.

EXIF detail:  Aperture: F/8.  Shutter 1/200s.  Exposure +o.3EV.  ISO 400.


  1. Super images Steve.I agree they are great little birds to photograph but can be tricky to get them to stay still as I tried to capture some at Battery Rocks Penzance last week.

  2. I took these images at Newlyn on a low tide on the beach in the small rockpools. They are easier to photo here.

  3. Upeat kuvat, rakastan lintuja, on ilo katsella blogiasi ♥

  4. As usual all your shots are 1st. class.
