Sunday 6 October 2013

Cape May visit in September

The images below were taken last month on a two week trip to Cape May in New Jersey.  The place is a world class migration hotspot for raptors, passerines and waders.  This is the second time I have visited Cape May.  Whilst this visit was decidedly quieter than last year (because we didn't get a full blast of the famous north west cold front) we still saw a lot birds.  A small selection is shown below.  I will show the rest at a slide show due in January at Chacewater on Friday 17th Jan.
First year Chestnut-sided Warbler - seen daily in small numbers.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo with a green tree frog

Common Nighthawk at a day time roost

First year Black Skimmer, one of around a 1000 birds on the Cape May beach.

Adult male Blackburnian Warbler, less than a handful of this most desirable dendroica were seen.

Adult male Prairie Warbler - who says autumn warblers are dull!

First year American Redstart - abundant.

Adult Black and White Warbler - seen daily in decent numbers.

Adult male Yellow Warbler

First year Piping Plover - seven of this endangered species were seen at Stoney Harbour beach.

Adult Caspian Tern at Stoney Harbour - seen daily in small numbers.

Western Sandpiper - just this individual was seen.

A very showy American Bittern  delighted all.

1 comment:

  1. Great images mate, some real beauties there,the local stuff is also looking great.
