Thursday 6 December 2012

Bittern at College Reservoir

Two Bitterns have been seen at College Reservoir near Falmouth recently.  Today was the first chance I had to try and find them.  I saw the one below on the west side of the island. It stayed in the open for a few minutes before walking off into the undergrowth.  (For some reason the footpath has been closed by SWLakes but tbh, I walked past the sign as I wasn't going far anyway.  I think the health and safety jobsworths are having a laugh.)


  1. Great picture Steve, must get down there myself someday, my guess is they closed it when water levels were high, and couldn't be bothered or forgot to open it again?

  2. Fair point Bob. It's worth a trip for sure. I was told this individual was uncharacteristically showy and was regularly out on the old pond lily's. Steve.

  3. Cracking shot Steve, they're compulsive to us photographers aren't they? Just like waxwings... I can't get enough!
