Sunday 17 January 2010

Cattle Egret at Brew Farm, Sennen

These two Cattle Egrets can be found easily in the field adjacent to the farm house.  They can be viewed from the road and are close enough for some decent photo opportunities.  There are also hundreds of Redwing and a handful of Fieldfare in the same field, though I missed the three Ruff there today.

600mm lens with 1.4x TC.  Tripod mounted. Aperture priority.  ISO400. Exposure -0.7EV and dropped another 1/3rd stop in CaptureNX.


  1. Nice to see you back in action Steve,lovely set of Images.

  2. Lovely set of images Steve. I coolpixed these today. I was glad to see you are still up for it on Sunday. Good luck with the wrist.

  3. Quality images like the narrow depth of field in the first picture

  4. Steve, these are great. I just love how you get that sharpness on the birds, especially in the last one and everything else is blurred. I try!
