Monday 26 September 2011

Various shrikes in the Cape Greco area

Shrikes were easily the most common passerines with healthy numbers seen daily.  Fifty plus Red-backs was not an uncommon sight though we never reached our record 120 seen in spring.  Lesser Greys were the least common with the majority being young birds.  Photo opportunites were plentiful with this male below taken from the car window.  ALL of the other shots were taken in the field birding in a normal manner.

Male Red-backed Shrike - easily the most common passerine

First year Red-backed Shrike - young birds outnumbered adults 10:1

Adult male Masked Shrike - seen daily in small numbers

First year Red-backed

First year Lesser Grey Shrike showing the barred mantle and reduced dark forehead. One or two seen daily.


  1. Shrikes are just SO photogenic Steve! Good to see that there are plenty of young birds.

  2. Thanks Andy. Agreed. They are real posers and we were spoilt too. Some real close birds no more than a few a yards from the car window! Steve

  3. Amazing collection Steve,these are probably on many peoples wish list.
    Excellent images.

  4. Is it ok now to stick a big lens out of the window at Cape Greco Steve? Last time I was there which was several years ago there were warnings about a military establishment on the Cape and I was always worried that I'd be arrested & frogmarched to the cells!.
    Great shots though & like Andy I think there is something really special about Shrikes.
