Friday 11 May 2012

The rarest and the commonest

Ad male Yellow Warbler
Below are a couple images of the rarest and the commonest leaf warblers in Pelee.  The Yellow Warbler breeds in the park and passes through as a passage migrant.  There are hundreds in the park.  In comparison, the rare Prothonatory Warbler (below) has caused quite a stir here.  A pair have been seen building a nest in the Carolininan forest, which is dark and wet; the only viewing access is from a boardwalk.  Add to that a couple hundred birders and you have a mad scene.  Not dissimilar to a big twitch back home.  There are only twenty pairs breeding in Canada, thus the locals are pretty excited.  That said, so am I, as this was one of my target birds to see. 

Female Prothonotary Warbler

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic tick Steve,your numbers are really high,splendid job.
    keep em coming.
