The very impressive run of migrants continues unabated. According to local birders, this incredible fall is as rare as the Says Pheobe that put in a brief appearance at the beach bunker today. This is the second day of north westerlies and the weather has certainly made a massive difference to the sheer numbers of passerines and raptors passing overhead. The locals are indeed excited and checking past records of species' day counts. Red-bellied Woodpecker reached a total of 91 birds. Other highlights are too numerous to mention but briefly, I personally estimated 200 Northern Flicker, hundreds of Blue Jays, 200+ Palm Warbler. Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Sharp-shinned Hawk and Ospreys all passed through in substantial numbers.
The day's highlights for me included the Says Phoebe (South Western American species), 10 Eastern Phoebe, Orange-crowned Warbler, two Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Yellow-breasted Chat, White-eyed Vireo, Philadelphia Vireo and several Black-throated Blue Warblers including some stunning adult males still holding on to full summer plumage. In total so far, twenty species of warbler have been seen already. More information can be found on Mike Crewe's blog. Link is here>
Below are some images taken today:
Says Phoebe - a major rarity at Cape May |
Bay-breasted Warbler - seen at Cape May State Park |
Blackpoll Warbler - seen in unprecedented numbers over the last two days |
Common Yellowthroat - pretty much found in any thicket or damp habitat |
White-eyed Vireo - a tick for me. (Apologies for slightly out of focus shot - best I could get) |
Orange-crowned Warbler ( two seen today) |
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