Wednesday 29 July 2009

Pendeen Lighthouse sea watch prediction - Thursday 30th July

Seawatch conditions are looking reasonable for tomorrow morning, Thursday 30th. A quick view in the bar chart alongside this post shows a steady westerly wind of reasonable strength with strong gusts thrown in as well. This follows a week of blustery and unsettled weather from the west associated with the low depression in the Atlantic. You can also double click on the Windfinder chart opposite to gain more detailed weather forecasts for the area.

Sightings for this morning included:

1 Sooty Shearwater (very close)
5 Balearic Shearwater
700+ Manx Shearwater
4 Storm Petrel
1 Bonxie
1 Common Tern
3 Turnstone
2 Dunlin

1 comment:

  1. and a rope to tie yourself to the lighthouse if the winds keep picking up!
