Monday 21 September 2009

Little Stint on Marazion Beach

Two Little Stints were feeding on the seaweed at Marazion Beach on Sunday morning. They were rediculously tame and allowed approach to 5 m. I had to move back as the close focus on the 600m F/4 lens wouldn't go closer. My favourite of the five is the image immediately below as it catches the movement of the river.

EXIF Detail: Ap. priority. F/8. Shutter speed 1/400s. Exposure -0.7EV. ISO 250. WB Cloudy. Matrix metering.


  1. Lovely Images Steve,they look fantastic.

  2. Hi Steve concour 2nd shots a stunner, also like the last with the shallow depth of field really makes the Little Stint stand out. These look great when enlarged to full size.

  3. Fantastic images of the Baird's and Little Stint!
