Monday 7 May 2012

Point Pelee, day 4

Today has been a quieter day than yesterday, but with quality instead of quantity.  There has been a big clearout of yesterday's migrants.  New arrivals have mainly been in low numbers.  We have spent eleven hours in the field and been rewarded with nine ticks including Sandhill Crane, Indigo Bunting, Tennessee Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Louisiana Waterthrush, Field Sparrow, Summer Tanager, Eastern Towhee and Cowbird.  Vireos and Orioles have been obliging as well as eleven different wood warblers. Three male Blackburnian's together were very nice!  Photography is not the easiest as most species are high in the canopy. I wish I had my 600 but eleven hours carrying it would probably be my downfall.  Instead, all the images shown are taken with a 300 plus 1.4 tc.

Common Grackle - abundant

Baltimore Oriole - common with about 20 seen today

Male Blackburnian Warbler - three seen today (image above is cropped at 30%)

Male Scarlet Tanager - several seen today