Saturday 9 May 2015

Jesse H Jones State Park and Brazos Bend SP visits, Texas.

The last couple days have been quieter with visits to the two State Parks above.  The Jones park was a complete washout with high humidity and heavy rain, further compounded by plagues of mossies.  We should have connected with Hooded Warbler and Kentucky Warbler but we dipped both.  We got the Hooded as a consolation back at Smith Oaks, High Island later on, plus a showy male American Redstart and close up Yellow-billed Cuckoo.  Kentucky still remains a needed tick.

A visit today to the huge Brazos Bend SP faired better with male Blackburnian, Parula, White-eyed Vireo all in song plus two Mississippi Kites photo'd nicely.

On the 10th May we start early at Aransas and Goose Island SP, after a three hour drive south through typical Texan big country.  I was a big fan of the Dukes of Hazard and can't believe everything is exactly the same!  Anyway, here's a coupe images from yesterday:

All images taken with a Nikon D4, 500mm F4 and 1.4x TC. Tripod mounted.


  1. Superb captures Steve,keep them coming.

  2. Thanks John. I'm trying mate but eleven hours in the field every day makes blogging difficult!
