Today we visited another incredible state park on the Rio Grande border with Mexico. This place has to be up there in the top three of all the parks we have visited. You can appreciate why the tour companies visit this site. Everything is neatly contained and the park staff are very helpful. One chap even offered to take us to see the Northern Beardless-Tyranulet on his buggy. We were then taken to the spot where two different Pauraque's were roosting and nesting as well as shown the exact branch to wait for the Green Kingfisher. You can't ask for more.
Five trip ticks were added today including Long-biled Dowitcher, in summer plumage, Swainson's Hawk and Green-winged Teal. In addition, several hummingbirds including a male Black-chin, lots more close Stilt Sandpipers, American Avocets and Roseate Spoonbills.
Tomorrow we head for South Padre Island where there are three or four more top notch reserves.
Ad Pauraque with chick. |
Pauraque at roost |
Green Kingfisher on its favoured perch |
Great captures!