Thursday 14 May 2009

Enjoying your hobby

These Hobby shots were taken today at Walmsley. It spent about two hours hawking insects over the reserve, occasionally flying past the hide at eye level. I took around a hundred shots, the majority of which were out of focus but these four were about the best I could manage. Falcons are difficult to capture because they fly so quickly and erratically. Add in the small matter of exposure against a bright sky and the problems start to magnify!
Walmsley regulars will recognise the stump below as the one in front of the hide at about fifty yards. The Hobby landed on the stump for a second before moving on again. I managed to photo the landing and take off but not the static bird...I'm not sure how this happened!

EXIF Detail: Aperture Priority. F/7.1 Shutter 1/400s. ISO 400. Exposure +0.7 . Focal length 500mm. WB Cloudy.
All images have been sharpened and cropped in Photoshop, except for the bird above the tree-line. The top image is a heavily cropped image from the "tree-line" set.


  1. Mr. Steve, the pictures are really gr8. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Steve
    I agree its a great Hobby in all respects Brill shots, in answer to your question I do not rate any of my photo's excelent so five stars is good enough for me.
