Sunday 22 March 2009

A day at Walmsley Sanctuary

The collection of various images below are the result of several hours spent in a couple hides at the CBWPS reserve. The site is looking stunning and the birds are fairly close too. Pick of the crop are some displaying Gadwalls and Northern Shoveler, a distant record shot of the wintering Hen Harrier, a showy male Pheasant and a very close shot of a Little Grebe. The highlight though was the steady increase of Sand Martins through the day... at dusk as we were leaving, I would estimate up to 1000 birds hawking insects on the reserve.
EXIF detail: Aperture Priority. Aperture F/5. Shutter 1/500th. ISO 320 Focal Length 600mm. WB Cloudy. EV 0.0


  1. A great day out steve, good photography.

  2. pS the little grebe is outstanding.

  3. Fantastic images as usual Steve. Thanks for setting up this blog, it has taught me a great deal about photographing birds.

  4. Love the Gadwall shots and the Hen Harrier in flight is excellent given the background, good stuff - mark

  5. Stunning photography Steve I realy enjoy all the birding blogs

  6. As usual Steve 100% images & a great place to be
