Sunday 29 November 2009

A Turdus in the garden

I took these shots this afternoon of this Redwing feeding on berries in my garden in Truro.   The garden is fairly sheltered so there wasn't too much camera shake.  There are about ten Redwings in the area.  Hopefully if it gets colder, there will be some berries left over for Fieldfares !


  1. I love that second shot!!

  2. Lovely photographs Steve.. They are avoiding me this winter..still early days yet.

  3. Great shots Steve I love the winter thrushes,and still trying to get that ultimate shot. You may like to look on the south causeway fields by the sub station at Stiths as they are full of Fieldfares at the moment. But very flighty.

  4. Great set of images here Steve full of vibrant colour.
