Monday 7 December 2009

Being chat-ted up

This pair of curious Stonechats investigated what I was up to on Marazion beach yesterday.  If they could talk, I reckon they would have asked what I was doing! They were as content as I was in the rare bright sunlight and approached to about 15 ft.  The sun was quite low and directly behind me, bringing out the full peachy-orange colour of these winter plumaged Stonechats.

The seaweed and general beach debris make an interesting picture of different colours and objects.  As regular readers of this photoblog will be aware, much of my photography is done in this area.  There is always something different here and when the sun does shine, the light is stunning.

EXIF Detail: Aperture F/7.1 Shutter speed 1/500s.  ISO 400. WB Cloudy. Focal length 510mm. (eg. 300mm F/2.8 + 1.7xTC).  Tripod mounted. 21 meg RAW File cropped in Capture NX2 software.


  1. Great shots Steve of my favourite bird. I must agree with you about the light down that way (all the St Ives and Newlyn artists could not all be wrong)
    when it is good it is very good and it shows in the finished product.

  2. These images are stunning Steve. They are a classic example how important light is to achieve a dynamic photograph.
    Having the right equipment can make all the difference (especially a D3x!) but above all, it's the LIGHT that makes a remarkable picture. A minute-and sometimes mere seconds-can make the difference between a superb image and a mundane one.
    I am fascinated with the infinitely varying qualities of light to be found at Marazion and Newlyn, and when the light is right and everything is working for me I cannot think of a better place to take photographs.
